Discover Your God-Given Purpose
through Carmel’s Men’s Ministry

Join a brotherhood of men who desire to pursue a deeper relationship with God

At Carmel, we desire for men to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who showed what it truly means to embrace God-designed purpose. We believe that men weren’t made to figure it out alone but are created to lead, love and serve.

Contact Men’s Ministry

  • Authenticity
  • Integrity
  • Legacy
Find A Group

Experience a life of purpose and passion

Imagine a life where you confidently live out your God-given purpose. A life where you
can confidently lead, love, and serve as God intended.


Forge deep connections and experience the power of genuine community:

  • Men’s Journey: Increasingly walk in your identity and purpose as a follower of Jesus.
  • Marriage on Target Archery: Strengthen your relationship with your spouse (Couples Only – Watch for Upcoming Sessions)
  • Father & Son/Daughter Archery:  This summer, hit your relational targets as you move into the “rites of passage” years with your son or daughter who has completed 6th-12th grade.
  • More than Conquerors: Pornography addiction recovery

Ready to uncover your true purpose?

Join Carmel’s Men’s Ministry today and embark on a journey of honesty and hope with other men. Together, we’ll uncover and live out the purpose that God intended for us as men. It would be an honor to have you journey with us as we follow Jesus together.


Don’t navigate life’s challenges alone – we’re here to come alongside and guide you!


What guides the Men’s Ministry?

Carmel’s Men’s Ministry is guided by nine ministry values.

  1. LEGACY: Legacy is the part of us that lives in others after we’re gone. We receive an inheritance we didn’t choose, transformation
    determines the legacy we will pass on.
  2. TRANSFORMATION: Every word we write and every action we take is to see the hearts of men increasingly transformed into the likeness of Christ.
  3. AUTHENTICITY: We aspire to conduct our relationships with a commitment to being truthful about ourselves, so that the man others see is increasingly consistent with the man we are beneath the surface.
  4. COMMUNITY: We pursue a community where we know others deeply, reveal ourselves genuinely and simply enjoy each other‘s presence.
  5. INTEGRITY: The commitment to make every decision with honesty even when it hurts. Willingly speaking the truth in love; bringing both courage and compassion.
  6. COMPASSION: The conscious choice to feel what others feel and to act on their behalf. It comes from our own wounds that are healed and redeemed.
  7. REDEMPTION: When God takes a part of our story that is broken, and turns it around 180° to make it a powerful source of healing for others.
  8. MISSION: Being compelled to act, speak and live from the deepest part of our hearts for the benefits of others. A unique combination of God-given talents, gifts and values that create God‘s calling on our lives. We can’t not do it.
  9. SIGNIFICANCE: Reminding ourselves and teaching men that our significance is not based on our power, possessions and prestige, but on the foundation of who our Creator is.

How can Carmel's Men's Ministry help me?

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your true identity and purpose as a man through a community where you can share your journey, find accountability, and experience personal growth. With programs and small groups tailored to men, we hope to equip you for navigating various aspects of life, from marriage and relationships to overcoming challenges and finding hope.

How can I get involved and connect with other men in the ministry?

We have opportunities that allow you to build authentic relationships, share experiences, and learn from one another. It’s through these connections that we find strength and encouragement as we journey together.

What if I have specific questions or concerns about the Men's Ministry?

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jim Hughes, our Men’s Ministry Director, or Kris Shields, our Ministry Assistant.