Advent: The Long Wait
In Luke 2:22-38, we see the story of Jesus being presented at the temple and his encounter with Simeon and Anna. A just man, Simeon, encouraged by the Holy Spirit to go to the Temple that day, took Jesus in his arms and recognized the Lord in him. Anna, a prophetess, who lived in the Temple, also began to talk of the Child “to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem”. Anna was widowed at a young age, and probably had spent the last 60 years anticipating in her tragedy. When she spoke, she recalled a story from Genesis 3:15. She sees the fulfillment of God’s promises. Simeon and Anna were both longing with anticipation for the Messiah. The Holy Spirit guided them to know who to look for in Jesus.
There were thousands at the temple that day, but they missed Jesus. They were looking for the Messiah and He was in their presence, but they couldn’t see Him. For Simeon and Anna, the Holy Spirit drew their hearts (2:25-27). The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon (before Pentecost) by lifting his head and turning his eyes toward Christ.
There is a great deal of waiting with anticipation in the Bible. The Hebrews waited 400 years as slaves to be rescued by God and delivered. God answered. Abraham, Joseph, and David waited. God answered. There was a period of 400 years where there was no prophetic word until John the Baptist began speaking. God answered. Silence doesn’t mean absence. God was at work preparing the world for the Messiah!
In Romans 8:18-26, there are three groanings:
- Creation (18-22) – There is an eager longing for the creation of God.
- mankind (23-25) – This world is not our home. We live in a fallen and broken world of pain
- The Spirit (26) – He is groaning and interceding for you and me.
Do not waste the pain and groaning, but let it move you to longing that leads to joyful expectation! Simeon saw Jesus as a baby, but not in His fullness. There was a faith that believes in the promises of God. The Creator entered His creation, and the Giver became the Gift! This Christmas, may what we long for be the same that Simeon and Anna were waiting for…adoption as sons and daughters of the Most High (Galatians 4:4-5)!
Discussion Questions:
- How has waiting changed through the generations? Why is it hard to wait? What do you think might change to become “faster” in the future? Why is “immediate service” dangerous at times?
- What are you waiting for this Christmas?
- The calling of Simeon and Anna is to “trust God and get going”. The call for you and me is the same. Where do you need to trust, and where do you need to “go”?