King Jesus in the Queen City: A Study of Matthew
Thank you to Justin Taylor for filling in last week and writing a great Table Talk! We are blessed with gifted shepherds that lead us well.
Today we continued to learn from the Sermon on the Mount by studying Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” An expanded thought on this verse would be…mourn over their sin. Our greatest comfort is in our redemption. We were broken, dead, and lost, but He will comfort us. This word “mourn” is the most severe word for sadness. Thankfully, we do not have sadness as the world does. We do grieve, but we realize that our comfort comes from being redeemed.
Why would God want to comfort us? It is in His nature!
How does He comfort us?
1. Through His Word. He speaks through the Word. Para Caleo means, “to come alongside”. The Father walks that journey not with us, but in us! His Word ministers.
2. Through His love. We must be honest and transparent with our Father. There are times we just need to take off all of our “hats” and be a son or a daughter.
3. Through people. The Spirit works through people by having a ministry of presence during a time of mourning. Let’s be “Jesus with skin on”. This is why Joy Prom is so great. Everyone that comes to help is there with a serving attitude. And remember, in the big picture, we are ALL Joy Prom participants.
Questions to discuss as a family today
1. When was the last time that you climbed into the lap of the Father and were honest and transparent? Do you need to do that now? Why?
2. What do you need to lay aside in order to have a pure heart of service this week?
3. Who can you comfort this week?
4. Pastor Alex challenged us to memorize the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). Will you take that challenge? Write down your goals with this commitment.
Pray 2 Corinthians 13:14 by mourning over your sin. Thank God for being a Father of love. Thank God that because of the grace of Jesus, we have been saved from that sin. Give thanks that we have fellowship with the Holy Spirit because He is in us and gives us comfort and hope. Ask the Spirit to lay on your heart who you need to comfort this week.