This morning we had the privilege to hear from Pastor Rob as he continued in the Matthew series with the recount of Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14:22-33. Jesus is wanting to get away to pray because He is grieving the death of John the Baptist. He sends the disciples out on a boat in the evening and goes up on the mountain to pray. After the disciples had been out there for hours, a storm has come up and is tossing the boat around. Jesus walks to the disciples on the water. They think that a ghost is walking to them, but Jesus calms them. Then Peter walks out to Jesus, takes his eyes off of Jesus and looks at the situation, and loses faith in being able to get to Jesus. Jesus saves Peter and climbs into the boat.
The storms in life have a unique way of showing us who Jesus is.
The 3 phrases of Jesus:
“Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid”
– Are you in need of comfort or encouragement?
– Maybe you are afraid, and don’t know what is coming next
– Maybe you are grieving a great loss
– Maybe you are trying to figure out if Christianity is for you
– Maybe you are intrigued by this person named, Jesus.
– He can handle your questions and doubts.
“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
– Those that are hard-hearted
– Maybe you are fighting a call on your life.
– Maybe you are being asked to “do the impossible” that was taught last week.
Remember, God loves you! You have a sign of that love in the cross and the empty tomb. You, in Christ, can experience full and abundant life!
To discuss as a family today
1. Where are you in your journey of faith in Christ?
2. When was the last time you took your eyes off of Jesus and looked at your surroundings? What happened?
Holy Father, thank you for Jesus and for the plan to allow me to experience abundant life through Him. Jesus, I doubt. I don’t want to, but I do. Please give me faith to understand how you are working in my life. I want to trust you for everything, but it is hard. Holy Spirit, please help me block out my surroundings and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. Help me see my journey of faith and where I have come from. I choose today to believe Your plan is better than my plan.