King Jesus in the Queen City: A Study of Matthew
This morning we looked at the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4. We must remember that temptation is not a sin. It is Satan’s way of trying to lure us off the course of living an abundant Life in Christ. A recent study shows that only 40% of evangelicals believe that Satan is a real created being. The truth of the Scripture shows clearly that he is. Satan hates God and so he hates humanity because we are made in the image of God. We see in Matthew 4 that Jesus had to walk through the test of temptation and pass that test in order to be a substitutionary sacrifice for our sin. Satan knew this too and so he tempted Jesus 3 times. Satan is not a creator. He can only twist and pervert that which was created, so he focuses on the flesh. He enticed Jesus with food, fame, and dominion. Jesus models an amazing tool to combat temptation. That tool is the Scripture.
6 Tools to fight temptation
1. Remind yourself daily that you are not alone. You have Jesus, and He “gets it”. You also have friends. Do not live in isolation. Hebrews 2:18, 4:14
2. Pray.
3. Don’t be dumb! I Cor. 10:9, 13
4. Fight back! Satan knows the Scripture much better than the average Christian. We must memorize, meditate, and speak the word of God. Fight for your family and pray scripture over your spouse and children. Psalm 119:9-16, Ephesians 6
5. Sometimes we need to run! I Cor 6:18
6. Remember that Satan’s promises are a lie. Sin is pleasurable…for a season, and then it leads to death. James 1:13-15
Questions to discuss as a family today
1. What are your weak spots? Where are you prone to sin?
2. Where does your accountability come from?
3. What Scripture verse or passage are you going to memorize this week?
Praise God for His provision of Jesus, and give thanks that Jesus was resolute in His mission of being the substitutionary sacrifice for our sin. Confess to God where you are vulnerable, and commit to putting safeguards in place to fight temptation. Tell God how you will change your habits to flee from compromising situations. Thank Him for His patience and unconditional love for you when you fall in your race to live an abundant Life in Christ.