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Go Sunday 2014

Oct 19, 2014
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Today was Global Outreach Sunday, and we had the privilege of hearing from Pastor Alex and Pastor Rob. Pastor Rob asked the question, “What does it look like to be on mission?” In order to answer that, we needed to look at what it means to “make disciples of those Nearest, our Neighbors, and the Nations.”


Be on the lookout for the Love and Serve catalog that will be distributed on November 2. Seven of the greatest injustices will be highlighted, and you will have an opportunity to engage.


To discuss as a family today

1. Where do you live? Work? Play? Who around you needs to hear the gospel?

2. What are you for? Who are you spending time with?

3. Should you, as a family Go? Pray? Give? To who or what?



Father, I want to be a light for you. Thank you for the gift of the gospel. Help it drive me to tell others about the love of Jesus. Too often I get centered on my materialism and consumerism. I commit today to think more Kingdom-minded than me-centered. Help me discover what I am for, and direct my steps to engage. Thank you for using me!
