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God’s Plan to Reach the Nations

Jul 26, 2015
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King Jesus and the Queen City
This morning we had the privilege to hear from Pastor David Russell, a “home grown Carmelite” who is leading the replant at Oakhurst Baptist Church. David shared with us from Ephesians 3:7-13. Out of a purpose, comes a plan. God’s purpose is to bring Himself glory through all the earth. His plan is to bring redemption through the gospel to the nations for His glory.

TO THE NATIONS (v7-9) – Paul, in verse 7, is reminding us that he was a murderer who opposed the movement of the gospel. We see God’s grace by using a murderer to become a missionary of the gospel. The gospel is the message of the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to restore our relationship to the Father by allowing Himself to be sacrificed on the cross. He rose one the third day and is now seated at the right hand of the Father, and if we put our faith and trust in Him, then we will have a restored relationship with the Father that results in spending eternity with Him!

THROUGH THE CHURCH (v10-11) – Churches are like embassies. This place is not our home. We assemble together for the gospel, and we are a part of the most important meeting in the world. The three audiences are: The Gentiles, The Whole World, and Rulers and Authorities in the Heavenly Places. The church is plan A. There is no plan B! When the church displays God’s glory, it is like a diamond ring. Our diamond is the gospel, and the church represents the prongs that hold up the diamond.

WITH CONFIDENCE (v12-13) – We have a boldness to approach God through Jesus because of the gospel. In prayer, we can ask for strength, boldness, and confidence. In that confidence, we can ask for wisdom, for life, and for godliness.

To discuss as a family today
1. Have you ever attempted something so big that without God, it was destined to fail? What? If not, why? What could that next thing be?

2. Often we forget how valuable the gospel really is. How can you rekindle the passion to share the gospel with those Nearest, your Neighbors, and the Nations?

Father, we praise you for the gospel. Thank you for the saving power of Jesus through your plan. I want to be one who proclaims your glory for eternity. Help me to have a sensitivity to the power of the gospel in my context. Father, I want you to use me to help bring glory to your name. Please show me what you want me to do next for your name and renown. I commit to listen to the Spirit speak to my heart. Thank you for the confidence and strength I have in You. Help me walk in that confidence this week.
