King Jesus and the Queen City
This morning we had the privilege of being led in worship by our CarmelKidz ministry. Beautiful voices. Beautiful smiles. Beautiful humbleness. It was a perfect lead-in to Pastor Alex’s message from Matthew 18:1-14. Chapter 18 is the fourth of Jesus’ five major teachings, and now the crowds have moved away and Jesus is focusing on His twelve disciples. The disciples are “discussing” who is the greatest, and so Jesus finds a child and places the child in front of the disciples. He says, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Think for a moment about the characteristics of a child: innocent, trusting, vulnerable, weak… Children trust you to take care of them. Jesus is telling His disciples to become like this and trust The Father.
Our call to humility is a choice. Our world values arrogance and pride, but heaven rejoices in humility. Remember, when the earth bows, there is ONE left standing. In humility, we can declare the power of God. We need to have the humility and wonder that our Daddy can do anything!
Jesus teaches (v5-6) that we should receive other people on the basis of how their Father sees them. We should humble ourselves and look at everybody as little treasures. Our standard of judgement is the standard of Scripture, and when we walk in pride, it is harder for the Father to give us grace. James 4:6 says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
To discuss as a family today
1. What do you miss about childhood? (If you are a kid, what do you love about being a kid?) Why?
2. Where does pride build up in your life? What causes that pride? (think about insecurities…)
3. What are steps keep the wonder of a child as you think about the majesty of God?
Daddy, thank you for your love for me. Thank you for being my Provider, Defender, and Leader. Help me to remember what it is like to have the wonder of a child. I want to always have that child-like faith in You. I confess that pride gets in my way, and I choose today to push that pride aside and walk in humility. I need Your help. Thank you for being a patient Father who loves me eternally!