1 John 4:7-12
In a season of American and global unsettledness that is marked by hate and vitriol, the love of Jesus is more needed and powerful than ever. God is love does NOT equal love is God. -the culture elevates love over God -We love because God is love -If you disconnect from the source, it won’t work While the fountain of love is in the nature of God, the demonstration of love is the coming of Christ Propitiation is an offering that turns away (or satisfies) divine wrath against us. -We must wrestle with the uncomfortable aspects of God to truly understand His love for us. -Jesus is both advocate and atonement -God’s justice demands satisfaction We can’t separate loving God and people -Love is others focused -It is not selfish -It is a choice Jesus’ demonstration of love is: -to take away sin (1 John 3:5) -to destroy the works of Satan (1 John 3:8) All our love is but a reflection of His and a response to it.