Key Verse
Nehemiah 2:17 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.”
Good leaders are motivators. Once Nehemiah received approval from the king to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls, we see several important aspects of his leadership. He had prepared for opposition by getting letters from King Artaxerxes to pass through the provinces. He did encounter opposition from Sanballat and Tobiah along the way. Nehemiah traveled around two months to get to Jerusalem. Once he arrived, he processed his thoughts and plan before he proceeded. Finally, Nehemiah presented a plan by engaging the minds and hearts of the people. He shared that God was in it and that the time to rebuild was now.
Pastor Joseph reminded us that we must be knees before sleeves prayer warriors. The only way to truly be successful in leadership (influence) is to wait to see where God is on the move…
Questions to discuss as a family today
1. What is the opposition that you are facing? (in your home, your job, school, etc…) Why is it an opposition? How are you preparing to face that opposition?
2. Do you take time to rest and process the mission God has for you? What are the things that distract you from a time of solitude? How can you prepare to keep those distractions away so that you can hear from the Lord?
3. What is a problem in your life at home, work, church, or school? What is a solution that will bring spiritual health to the problem?
4. In every area of leadership, we are leading people somewhere. Where is your influence leading?
Before you pray, intentionally remove all distractions (phones, games, TV, toys, etc.). As you pray, continue to remember who God is and who you are. Thank God for the opportunity to lead in _______________. Ask God to help you prepare for the opposition that you face. If you know what that opposition is now, then ask specifically for God to give you wisdom and courage to face that opposition. Ask God to help you see with fresh eyes what the problem areas are in your life. Listen to the Spirit as He shows you where God is on the move in your home, marriage, business, school, and church. Confess where you are not leading people to the cross, and commit that your leadership will point to the Kingdom. Thank God for allowing you to be a part of His work.