On our own, we can learn about the love of God. However, there is something deeper than knowledge that God wants us to comprehend. Through the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling within us, we can experience the fullness of God and His love.Our strength in faith comes from surrendering to Him, abiding in His love, and walking alongside other believers.
In the letter to the believers in Ephesus, Paul writes out a prayer for the church. He prays that the church would have the power to live out God’s love. Paul longed to see the church know more than the facts and doctrine of God. He wanted them to be fully alive in Christ.
Power from the Spirit to know the love of Christ begins with surrendering to Him, bowing before the Father. Christ dwells in our hearts, empowering us to abide in His love. Paul then explains that this abiding experience with God provides a firm foundation for our faith. As Christ dwells in us, we become well-rooted like a tree or well-grounded like an enormous building. When we abide in Christ and become rooted in Him, we become like Him. The fruit of Spirit will be born in us as He gives us the strength to comprehend His love.
Our walk with Christ, however, is not a path of isolation. The enemy of God tempts us toward a lonely place. The enemy wants to keep us from the powerful change that happens in the midst of biblical community. By walking with God while walking alongside other believers, we experience His love in a powerful way. This truth is the reason why it is important for everyone in the Carmel family to be a part of a small group (a Discipleship Community, a Home Group, a Men’s or Women’s group, a support group, etc.)
Assignment for this Week
Pray two specific prayers each day.
- Read Ephesians 3:14-21 as a prayer for yourself. Change all the pronouns to the first person.
- Read Ephesians 3:14-21 again as a prayer for a specific group of people. Replace pronouns with the following:
Monday – Your family
Tuesday – Your small group
Wednesday – Our Carmel family
Thursday – Your neighborhood
Friday – Our city
Saturday – Our state, country, and world
Discussion Questions:
- When was a recent moment that you experienced the love of God in a profound way?
- In what ways is your life being transformed by being a part of a biblical community?