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Psalm 32 | The Blessing of Forgiveness

Jun 21, 2020
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Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 32 – The Blessing of Forgiveness
Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” We all need forgiveness from that sin, and we all need to be reconciled to God. Psalm 32 is a wonderful word from David about the blessing of forgiveness.
Psalm 32:1-2 includes three important sin words:
Transgression – going out of the boundary
Sin – missing the mark
Iniquity – guilt from bending the Truth
Verse 3 shows us that we feel the weight of hiding something from God…which He already knows! Our joy comes from confessing (Homo logeo) what He already knows. The end of Jeremiah 31:34 says, “For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” God chooses to no longer be influenced by our sin once we confess it. Verse 7 goes on to say, “You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance.” He becomes our garment of grace and mercy.
Psalm 32 shows us the doctrine of atonement. Atonement means to cover, cancel, or forgive sin. Jesus Christ is that atonement. He is the propitiation that allows us to be set free from the bondage of sin, separation from God, and death. As He is a beautiful example of reconciliation, we should do the same.
Ephesians 2:11 is an example of racial tension (which has been going on since the fall of man). The only hope is the blood of Jesus. God is the only one who not only can make us civil, but make us family. God loves color – He created it – all color represents the image of God! When we start with reconciliation through the blood of Jesus, we can find solutions for brokenness in the world.
On this Father’s Day, Dads must set the example in what is said, what is done, and how life is lived. Our kids learn so much from us in both good and bad ways.
Currently, a few Carmel members and leaders are engaging in the challenges that we face as a community in regards to race. Carmel is prepping for the long-term conversation that can lead to real change. These challenges are not someone else’s problems. Each one of us has reason for confession and repentance. Each one of us must CARE.
Remember, God wants to forgive you (Psalm 86:5). Psalm 32:11 reminds us that it is worth it! We must seek forgiveness.
To Discuss Today:
 1. Where do you need to seek forgiveness in regards to the dignity of the Imago Dei?
2. Why do you struggle to confess your sins to God, knowing that He already knows them?
3. Where can you grow in following God’s example of forgiveness as it pertains to others who might have wronged you?