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Root 66 – 1 Thessalonians

Apr 8, 2018
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Root 66: 1 Thessalonians
Paul wrote the letter to the church at Thessalonica from Corinth after getting run out of the Thessalonian church by the Jewish people. His letter is a response from a report back from Timothy, and Paul is encouraging the church because following Jesus in this pagan society cost the people everything. Paul loves this place.
Casey Crimmins, our guest preacher, focused on Chapter 5:19, “Do not quench the Spirit”. In a society today that focuses on quick fixes and predictable outcomes, the Holy Spirit does not often fit in our paradigm.
How do we quench the Spirit:
1. We despise or hold in contempt the supernatural things of the Spirit.
2. We neglect the Spiritual Gifts that God has given us.
3. We shut down the joy and emotional response to the work of the Holy Spirit.
4., We resist the fruit of the Spirit.
Why do we act this way:
1. A lack of insight – What happens when our education of the Holy Spirit outpaces our revelation of the Spirit?
2. Fear of what we don’t understand
    Fear of man – what will people think?
    Fear of the unknown – what is the Spirit calling me to do?
Casey challenged us to not quench the Spirit. He reminded us that Charlotte needs us. He encouraged us to:
1. Make space
2. Be expectant
3. Be ok staying thirsty – stay dependent on something outside of yourself.
Questions to Consider:
1. How do you quench the Spirit (see above)?
2. How would your life look different if the Holy Spirit was gone?
3. How would our church look different is the Holy Spirit was gone?