Eyes and Hands
This morning we had the privilege of hearing from David Johnson, Founder and Director of Silent Images (
silentimages.org). Silent Images exists to tell the untold stories of God’s work around the world. This morning, David challenged us through the biblical story of Hagar to see people the way God sees them. In Genesis 16, Hagar is pushed out of her home and is found by the angel of the LORD. Here is what we see Him do:
1. The LORD went to her
2. The LORD called her by name – gave her identity and dignity
3. The LORD saw her – Hagar gives God the name “The One who sees me”.
Not only are we challenged to SEE people, but to serve them with our hands. A great example of this is in 1 Samuel 17, where David takes lunch to his brothers. He didn’t show up to be a hero, but he was obedient. Ultimately, he used what was familiar to him, a slingshot, to glorify God.
We are saved through grace alone, but our good works reflect Christ and give a compelling answer to the hope we have…
Our good works:
1. Reveal our gratitude to God for the gift of His Son (Colossians 2:6)
2. Encourage other Christians (Hebrews 10:24)
3. Silence critics (1 Peter 2:12)
4. Glorify God (John 15)
We see Robert in Uganda use his hands to teach chess. Fiona was an outcome.
We see Dave Eubank use his hands in Myanmar to rescue the oppressed. Lots of saved lives were the outcome.
We should walk through life with a loaf of bread, dropping crumbs to feed people because they are hungry. They will come back for more, and we can give them the “bread of life” that will ultimately satisfy their hunger.
To Discuss Today:
1. Who in your life has become “invisible” to you? Look around this week and SEE the people that need you to see them.
2. What do you have in your hands that can be used by the LORD? How will you use it?
3. If you are praying about how God can use what is in your hands to bless others and want to know how to connect to the needs in Charlotte, email
neighbors@carmelbaptist.org. God can use YOU and your gifts to grow the Kingdom, and we would love to help you find the ways you can be a part of His story!