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Root 66 – Isaiah

Jul 2, 2017
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Root 66: Isaiah
The message of the Bible can be seen in contrasting themes. Today, we examined two of these themes in the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah: condemnation and consolation. In fact, the book itself can be divided into the first 39 chapters that explain the judgment of God and the final 27 chapters that console His people with the promise of the Messiah to come. Even Isaiah’s name (“Yahweh is Salvation”) points to Christ Jesus.
About 700 years later, the shortest known rabbinic “sermon” was preached. Jesus stated, “Today  this Scripture  has been fulfilled in your hearing” to the crowd in the Nazareth synagogue. He had just read Isaiah 61:1-2, as was assigned to Him. Jesus was later “despised and rejected by men,” “pierced for our transgressions,” “he was crushed for our iniquities,” and “a  lamb that is led to the slaughter.” (references from Isaiah 53) He was the fulfillment of over 300 prophesies in this book.
Many in our world look at the “condemnation” part of the Bible and judge it to be a book of antiquated rules. Our Bible, however, is a gift of God’s grace to show us His righteousness and His grace. One must understand that condemnation was needed to reveal the consolation, the gift of Jesus.
This morning, one of our members came to the Gathering Space to reveal a note written years ago in her Bible. Isaiah 40:1-2 prophesied that comfort will come to God’s people when their sins are removed. A handwritten sentence in the margin of the member’s Bible stated, “I was saved when reading this verse.” Amen and Hallelujah!
The book of Isaiah proclaims the Gospel of Jesus and begins a large section (25% of our Bible) of prophetic writings.The foretelling events point to death and resurrection of our Savior. God is faithful and keeps His promises. May we be faithful in proclaiming that “Jesus is Lord” to the people we meet this week and the rest of our lives.
To Discuss Today:
1. Why must we understand the punishment of sin (condemnation) in order to understand the comfort and consolation of the Gospel?
2. Have you trusted Christ for salvation and been born again? If not, what is keeping you from trusting His Word and accepting His gift of new life in Christ? If so, share with your family how you received the gift of salvation and the difference His Holy Spirit has made in you.
3. Who is someone in your life that needs to hear words of comfort? How could you offer these words of life and truth to that person?