Root 66: Malachi
Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament, and does a great job of looking back and looking forward (anticipation) to the coming Messiah. It was written about 100 years after the return from Babylonian exile. The people had been back for awhile, the Temple had been rebuilt, but things were not going well. The people had lost their passion for worshipping God, and it showed in many different forms. Malachi means “messenger”, and He is paving the way for John the Baptist, who is paving the way for Jesus!
On this side of history, we know that God is about to go silent for 400 years, so He is going to speak a final message to His people through the prophet Malachi. Although the book is only 55 verses long, 47 of those verses are God speaking directly to His people. He speaks of the past (Ch. 1:1-5), the present (Ch. 1:6-3:18), and the future (Ch. 3:19-4:6). Pastor Alex pointed out six choices that are being presented by God is His people (that includes us)!
Choice 1 (Ch. 1:6) – Will you choose to worship God passionately, even when life doesn’t make sense? Worship is singing a love song back to the One who has already sung over you. We must know the Word because it shows God’s character.
Choice 2 (Ch. 2:4-5) – Will you choose fear or familiarity when approaching God? He is our Dreadfully (very) Awe-full (full of awe) Father, who we must respect. Do not become too familiar with Him.
Choice 3 (Ch. 2:11) – Will you choose to marry someone who loves Jesus? Marriage is NOT about being happy. It is about reflecting the gospel to the world. That only happens when we are equally yoked to another believer. Look for the people who are running the same direction you are.
Choice 4 (Ch. 2:11-13) – Will you choose to go the distance in your marriage? Don’t give up. Be that picture of the gospel to your Nearest, your Neighbors, and the Nations.
Choice 5 (Ch. 3:5) – Will you choose to care about people? Have you become callous to the needs of others around you? Even if you are in pain, you are called to bless others. It will minister to your needs too.
Choice 6 (Ch. 3:6-10) – Will you choose to be a giver and not a taker? Giving is worship and a statement of trust. Live with open hands. God even says, “Test me in this”. He promises to take care of you and will provide for your needs. The tithe is 10%, and is the MINIMUM that you should give back to Him. Remember, it is all His anyway.
In Ch. 4, God is described as a furnace, an “all consuming fire”. For those that are not “in Christ”, the day will “set them ablaze”, but for His followers, “the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings”.
The Old Testament ends with the word “curse” or “destruction”, and that is where we are in history at that point. The Messiah has not come yet…
1. Reflect on the 6 questions above. How are you choosing to live in this season? Is your life a picture of the gospel?
2. A practical way to challenge yourself (or your family) on Choice 5 is to sign-up to be a part of our Carmel Serve weekend. Look at opportunities and sign-up