Root 66: Micah
The theme of Micah is a “Day in Court”. Micah is a prophet that is speaking to both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, and he is speaking as the same time as Isaiah and Hosea. Micah speaks a broad message that still rings true in our society today. The “Day in Court” is characterized in Chapter 6:1-2. The indictment is over the wrongdoing of 3 groups:
Chapters 1-2 Hear to the People
Chapters 3-5 Hear to the Leaders
Chapters 6-7 Hear to Everyone
Ch. 1:7 Incredible idolatry in the land. (An idol is anything that takes allegiance from God)
Ch. 2:2 Fraud and Violence
Ch. 2:8 Theft
Ch. 3:9 Mockery of ethics in leadership
Ch. 3:11 Leaders taking bribes and divinity used by prophets
Ch. 5:14 Worshipping Asherah – a pagan fertility god.
Chapter 6:8 gives us the answer to how to respond: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”
What we believe matters, but we must live that out. Jesus may have been referencing this Micah passage in His sermon found in Matthew 22 when He rebukes the leaders. Pastor Alex challenged us to start with walking humbly. This is the only time this word humility is found in the Old Testament. It means “carefully” and “modestly”. The verse also references both LORD (YWHW – covenant and intimate), and GOD (Elohim – transcendent, creator, big).
Justice – Deut 10:17 refers to the widow, the fatherless, and the refugee. We must live our faith.
Kindness – Hesed (loyal) – love without any expectation in return.
Humbly – We see a perfect picture of this in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus defers to God and chooses to obey Him.
Jesus humbly followed God’s command and then in loving kindness sacrificed Himself for the sin of the world (justice)!
1. When do you walk humbly with God?
2. How do you “love kindness” in your daily life?
3. When was the last time you “did justice”