King Jesus and the Queen City
For the next four weeks, Pastor Alex will be walking us through Matthew 24 and 25, in which Jesus speaks of His return. Eschatology is the study of last things, and it is so important to know and believe that Jesus is coming back. Many people have wrestled with the timing of Jesus’ return for centuries, but the main belief is that regardless of when He is returning, He IS returning!
In verses 1-14, Jesus has the heart of a shepherd as He warns His disciples to not let anyone lead them astray. He goes on to give them six signs that will mark the beginning of His return.
Sign 1 – v5 There will be false Christs (we see them all over throughout history)
Sign 2 – v6 There will be wars and rumors of wars
Sign 3 – v7 There will be famines and earthquakes
These are the beginning. They are markers to say that the end is coming, but do not let yourself get too focused on the signs…
Sign 4 – v9 There will be persecution and martyrdom
(From 33AD-1900AD – 23M martyrs, and from 1901-2000 – 46M martyrs)
Sign 5 – v11 There will be many false prophets (2Timothy 3:1-9)
And then, the end will come.
To discuss today
1. Do you really believe that Jesus is returning? How does your life show that?
2. What does it mean, “THAT day colors THIS day”?
3. Pray for a harvest of souls over the next 4 weeks as Pastor Alex preaches about Jesus’ return.
4. Pray for those that are being martyred for their faith.
Father, thank you for the beautiful mystery of your Word and the Truth that it brings to us. Thank you, Jesus, for your willingness to come to earth to be a sacrifice for the sin of the world. I know that I am a broken sinful mess, and I am so thankful that you are willing to see past that mess as I give my trust and life to you. I believe that you are going to split the sky one day and return again. I want to be ready. Help me have compassion on my Nearest, my Neighbors, and the Nations to help make sure they are ready too. I pray for my brothers and sisters that are being persecuted for their faith in You. May their love and devotion to You bring glory to Your name.