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Stay Home: a Look at Divorce and Marriage

Jul 27, 2014
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King Jesus and the Queen City

Pastor Alex continued in Matthew today by discussing the difficult topic of divorce. Using Matthew 5:31-32 with Matthew 19:1-12 and Ephesians 5:25-32 he challenged us to consider very carefully this topic.  He used government statistics to show that close to 50% of 1st marriages end in divorce and these percentages rise dramatically with 2nd and 3rd marriages.

But the sad statistic is that the church mirrors those statistics.  We and the atheist/agnostic divorce at almost the same rate.

Pastor Alex then shared part of his own story of being a 14 year old and hearing his parents would be divorcing.  Again he challenged us that last week he said “RUN HOME” as a way to avoid lust; today it is “STAY HOME” as a way to avoid temptations from someone other than our spouse.

The true secret to having a healthy marriage is the gospel – having the Lordship of Christ govern us.  And the power to live under that lordship comes from the Holy Spirit; being filled daily as we submit to Christ.

Rather than several questions to discuss as a family, today Pastor Alex offered some things we as couples can ask or do to strengthen our marriages.

1.  Ask your wife or husband: “Are you a better person today because you married me?”

2.  Do you delight in each other?

3.  Surrender every day to the lordship of Christ – for the answer to having a good marriage is the gospel – is Jesus.

4.  Serve each other.

5.  Never, ever use the “d” word (divorce is a swear word to a marriage!).

6.  Use a 3D model for your marriage: Pray daily, Date weekly, Depart often.

Questions to discuss as a family today

1. Ask your children if you have the courage:  “What kind of marriage do you thing mommy and daddy have?  How do you see us loving each other?”



Father in heaven, may I this day claim the lordship of Jesus over my life, my marriage and my family.  May Jesus be at the center of all these relationships and when I am driven by selfishness, may the Holy Spirit convict my heart and may I readily and speedily confess my sin to you.  Through Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings, Amen
