Vision Sunday 2014
We have a holy charge to pass our faith on to the generations that come behind us. Too many times we listen to the lies of the enemy. In reality, We ALL have the opportunity to lead others down the path, and we must choose to intentionally lead. It is not up to us to make our children follow; but with a compelling lifestyle, prayer, and godly instruction, we believe that they will want to choose to live an abundant life in Christ.
Remember, apart from Christ we can do NOTHING. We must live a Life in Christ in order to begin to lead our children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, or community. The essentials for living a Life in Christ are: Scripture, Prayer, Authentic Faith, Obedient Follower, Disciple-Maker, Giving and Serving, and Biblical Community.
In order to lead the next generation, we have identified 6 Milestones to guide our children down a path. They are:
1. Parent/Child Dedication
2. Salvation and Baptism
3. Preparing for Adolescence
4. Purity for Life
5. Rite of Passage
6. High School Graduation
Once a child graduates, they are ushered into a Life in Christ to continue the path for those behind them. Again, it is not rocket science, but it IS an intentional path. Our ministry areas are going to align everything they do around this path so that we can partner with you to train the next generation to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength!
7 Steps to strengthen your family:
1. Eat dinner together
2. Speak blessing over you sons and daughters
3. Learn their love language
4. Memorize Scripture together
5. Be real in your walk at home
6. Date them
7. Reject a child-centric marriage
Questions to discuss as a family today
1. Where are you on the path? Where are you headed next? (If you are an adult living Life in Christ, which essential(s) do you really need to focus on?
2. Which of the “7 steps to strengthen your family” do you do best? Which ones can you work on together?
3. Will you commit to be a part of our next Life in Christ Conference?
Thank God that He gives you influence to impact the generations to come. Thank Him for the children, grandchildren, others that are in your care. Commit to walk the path of Carmel Milestones beginning with your own Life in Christ. Bless God for a community of believers that will come alongside you in your journey.