As a reminder, Paul wrote this letter to the church in Ephesus to remind them “who they were” and “how to live”. We learn from Paul that we don’t grow in Christ by behaving better, but by believing better. Who we are in Christ changes what we do. We don’t have to be in control, and we are not trying to impress God. This is a challenge to live in peace and in the freedom that God has given to us. Ephesians 4-6 are not a “to-do list”, but instead is a guide to this freedom.
Verses 15-21 show us very practically “how” to live. It begins with the charge to live “not as unwise but as wise”. Unwise people follow the ways of the world, but wise people ask the question, “What is the wise thing to do”? Too many past decisions rob people of potential futures.
Verse 18 is a charge to not get drunk. This may seem out of place, but it isn’t! In Ephesus, in order to connect with the god Dionysus, the Ephesians believed they had to get drunk. The Bible is clear that drunkenness is a sin. Dionysus was the god of the grape harvest and of insanity. Paul is saying that in order to commune with the True God, one must be filled with the Spirit.
To be filled with the Spirit means to be governed by the Spirit. We adjust our lives to the direction and ways of the Spirit. Pastor Jay spoke of this like obeying traffic laws.
As we are filled with the Spirit, we are to:
- Address one another in music – be in community
- Sing – songs lyrics made up by others
- Make melody – this means strumming
- Give thanks always and FOR EVERYTHING
- Submit to one another – be humble enough to realize that we are equals with one another and that in that we can defer to others.
Discussion Questions:
- What are the ways you try to impress God? Why is this not needed?
- Where have you lived foolishly in your past? What were the outcomes?
- What are the steps needed to live wisely?
- Do you allow yourself to “be being filled” by the Holy Spirit? How do those times differ from times that you live for yourself?