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When You Pray: Week 11

Aug 5, 2024
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Colossians 1:9-14

Paul didn’t know the Colossian church as well as he knew some of the other churches, but he was so encouraged by the reports that he heard about them. He wrote this letter to encourage them to continue on in the work that they were doing. Paul wanted the church to know God’s will, to live God’s will, and then mature in God’s will. He had a desire and devotion to pray they they would further develop in their knowledge and understanding of God.

A few definitions for understanding:

Not ceased to ask – begging on behalf of yourself or someone else

Filled – embodied with something – Paul is praying they will have the characteristic of God

Knowledge – not just information, but comprehension

Understanding – the skillful working out of wisdom

Walk – lifestyle, choices, and behavior

Manner – to weigh the same – our lives reflect who He is. Be like Jesus.

Bear Fruit – Abide in Christ and mature. We never “arrive” at becoming a disciple this side of heaven. We need to grow up!

Endurance – Trials and tribulation

Patience – enduring through difficulty with people

5 Layers of prayer:

1st Layer:

Pray for God’s will and that you will honor Him with your life.

2nd Layer:

Pray that your life honors and pleases the Lord in everything you think, say, and do.

3rd Layer:

Pray that you will serve God and others and that your faith will grow daily.

4th Layer:

Pray to be strengthened by God’s mighty hand to endure trials and show patience to others who have wronged you.

5th Layer:

Pray for a heart filled with gratitude, overflowing with joy for the redemption and eternal life given by Jesus.

Ask God to grow the spirit of prayer in our church. Pray that the church would be an abiding church that produces fruit that will last. Pray that Carmel would be a church that knows, lives, and matures in the will of God.
