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Who We Are & What We’re For: By Grace Through Faith (Ephesians 2:1-10)

Sep 12, 2021
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Who We Are & What We’re For: 
By Grace Through Faith (Ephesians 2:1-10)
This passage is a stark reminder that we are not “good” people trying to get “better”, but dead people that need to be made alive. Verse 2 is written to the Gentiles and reminds them that before a life in Christ, they were following Satan. Verse 3 adds the Jews (and all of mankind) to that Truth. There is something inside of us that prompts us towards sin and destruction. We are not sinners because we sin. We sin because we are sinners. Spurgeon said, “We think too lightly of the Savior because we think too lightly of our sin.”
Verse 4-6 is our hope when it says, “But God”. God made us alive, raised us up, and seated us with Him. He did this with His grace. We deserved death, but He is gracious to us in our union with Christ. This grace will never run out because we have been saved and are saved forever (v8).
Verse 7 is the “why”:
1. His mercy
2. His love
3. His grace
4. His kindness
Grace means “to stoop down to”, and is manifested by Jesus through the incarnation. Even our faith is not our doing. It is a gift from God too. Our works are an outflow of our salvation. The life you live and the good deeds you do were ordained by God.
To Discuss Today:
1. Who are you following today? How would somebody know that?
2. Are you are grace “full” person? How does that show with your family? Your work associates? Your online presence?