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Who We Are & What We’re For: His Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)

Sep 26, 2021
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His Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” This passage follows important Truths about who God is and who we are.
Chapter 2:1-9. God worked FOR US
Chapter 2:10a. God worked IN US
Chapter 2:10b. God works THROUGH US
Verse 10 starts with “we are”. This is a statement of identity and it is a fact. We are His workmanship on display of His goodness to the earth. The only other time this word for workmanship is used is found in Romans 1:20 when it says, “that haven been made…”. That was creation that was dead. This verse in Ephesians speaks to something that was dead is now made alive in Christ! This word “workmanship” would describe a poem, painting, or statue. It was made for a purpose and was beautiful. Many times we do not feel like this would describe us. We must be careful to not listen to our own voice or the world’s voice. It is God who defines us. He has the big picture in mind, but we can’t see all of that. We can only see our small part. That said, we must remember that there is more going on!
God prepared good works for us, and “we should walk in them.” This phrase speaks of possibility and intentionality. It is a choice, not a fact. When we choose to NOT walk in good works, we rob others of a blessing that God prepared in advance for us. Why would we choose this:
We must remember that we are all connected, and we must fight against individualistic thought patterns. All of our stories are woven together!
  1. Do you see yourself as one of God’s masterpieces? Why?
  2. Is there something God has for you that you are aware of and are not acting on it? If so, is it because of complacency, fear, or disobedience?
  3. What is next for you? Will you step forward as a loved son or daughter and do what He has prepared you to do?