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Worship Fully

Nov 30, 2014
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Christmas and the Queen City – Advent Conspiracy

Today begins our 4-week series titled, “Advent Conspiracy”. Advent celebrates the arrival of Jesus, and our conspiracy is that we are plotting to be a positive agent for Christ in serving the least of these in our city. Today Pastor Alex challenged us to “Worship Fully”. We are all wired to worship something. It is the way God created us, and we will give our affection to someone or something. Too often we can get caught up in the marketing machine of our culture and begin to focus our attention on accumulating things, seeking the approval of man, or focusing more on our own pleasure than offering God our whole heart.

1. Joseph DID – In Matthew 1:18-25, we see that Joseph worships God through his obedience (v 24). Joseph knew that following God’s plan was going to bring a lot of judgement from society, but because he was obedient to God’s call, God was able to use him to be a part of the grand story!

2. Mary SAID – In Luke 1:26, Mary worships God through her surrender. Whereas obedience is outward, surrender is inward due to a tender heart.

3. Mary SANG – In Luke 1:46-55, Mary sings praises and declarations to God because of His goodness.

To discuss as a family today
1. We have a “Least of These” engagement area setup at church. Did you walk through that this morning? What have you decided to do as a family to bless someone else in our community? (Pastor Alex shared that they are going to take a portion of the money that would normally be spent on each child and let that child pick how they wanted that money to be used to help those in need.)

2. Light a candle for Advent. Use an advent calendar to countdown to Christmas. There are ideas all over the internet for what to put in your calendar. If you have young children or grandchildren, there are trinkets to put there. You can also put slips of paper with Scripture to be opened and read each day.

3. What keeps you from worshipping God fully? What gets in your way?

Holy Father, we praise you today for who You are. As Mary sang, “for You who are mighty has done great things for me, and holy is Your name. And Your mercy is for those who fear You from generation to generation.” Father, I want you to use me to be a blessing to those who are less fortunate than I am so that Your name is made famous. I confess, as Mary did, “You have filled the hungry with good things, and the rich You have sent empty away.” Help me know how you want me to be a provision for the least of these in Charlotte. I choose today to worship You only. Help me when I get distracted from the consumerism of our culture. Help me be wise with the resources You have entrusted me to steward.
