Calendar of Events

Here’s what’s happening at Carmel!

Middle East Global Trip – FULL

Carmel has been invited to serve at a regional spiritual life conference being held in Middle East where workers from different middle eastern countries will be gathering together with their families for worship, teaching and encouragement. The team will be lead worship for workers and lead programs for infants through high school students. Details and […]

Bolivia Global Trip – FULL

Ladies Only:  Team will host a ladies retreat which will include bible studies, workshops and other teaching opportunities that Carmel women can offer. Other areas that would be helpful are with product design, marketing, focus groups, new markets or sales opportunities, and production suggestions., focus groups, new markets or sales opportunities, production suggestions. Details & […]

Nairobi Kenya Global Trip

The team will serve alongside the Waruhiu family doing outreach and participating in other projects to assist the staff at Mercy Nairobi, including activities at Mercy house, a street outreach to neighbors who are homeless, and help conducting VBS with a local school (for freshmen and older). Details & Registration

Poland Global Trip

The team will mainly be serving with one of Carmel's ministry partners, working at the new EPIC Christian Training Center in Poland.  There will be work projects as well as opportunities for outreach and evangelism to the community. Details and Registration

Peru Global Trip

On the other side of the equator Craig and Daisy Tippie are ministering in Huacho, Peru. In Huacho over 2/3 of the population are considered youth. Their vision is to reach, teach and disciple in the name of Jesus. Their church serves the community with a children’s church and youth group, men’s and women’s Bible […]

Riverside Kenya Global Trip

Team will serve with Riverside Church in Bomet, Kenya, doing community service outreach to Bomet with children's ministry, food and water, clothing, and hygiene items. There will also be opportunity to serve alongside Tenwek Hospital's Community Health ministry. Team members need to be compassionate, flexible, and willing to serve the “least of these." Also, the […]

Thailand Global Trip

Serve alongside Carmel partner, Alyssa Miller, in various outreach ministries through LifePoint Church in Bangkok.  This team will jump in to life and ministry in Bangkok, helping with kids' club and sports ministry in the slums, English classes at LifePoint, young adult ministry and visiting with refugee families and others who are often invisible in […]