Calendar of Events

Here’s what’s happening at Carmel!

Milestone 3: Anchoring Their Identity – Preteen Boys Retreat

Preteens who make the transition from childhood to being a teenager the right way succeed in big ways. Such Milestones need to be celebrated and remembered in big ways.  CarmelKidz ministry has created Preteen Blessing Retreats, specifically for 6th graders, where parents and preteens get to make memories, map out principles to develop a God-Sense, and mark […]

Milestone 3: Anchoring Their Identity – Preteen Girls Retreat

Preteens who make the transition from childhood to being a teenager the right way succeed in big ways. Such Milestones need to be celebrated and remembered in big ways.  CarmelKidz ministry has created Preteen Blessing Retreats, specifically for 6th graders, where parents and preteens get to make memories, map out principles to develop a God-Sense, and mark […]

Milestone 6: Launching with Purpose Graduation Celebration

What is most important for your child after graduation? Are they ready to make an impact for the Kingdom of God? This milestone equips you, as parents, to know how to prepare your students for the world after High School - a world where they strive to live an ABLE life. A life where they […]

Milestone 2: Discovering the Bible

The world begins to open up for a child when they learn to read! Parents will learn to train their child to build healthy habits around God’s Word. As children learn God’s story, they can begin to understand their own need for a relationship with Jesus! Key Concepts: Biblical Truth, Reading God’s Word on My Own, […]