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What is a Disciple?

Mar 23, 2014
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King Jesus in the Queen City: A Study of Matthew

Today we started looking at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Matthew 4:12-25. As Jesus began to do His ministry, large crowds started “following” Him. Jesus didn’t care about the big crowds. In fact, he winnowed them down, but what was left changed the world! His message began the same as John’s message. Remember, repent is a good thing.

A first century disciple began by living in community. There homes were called insulaes. These were compounds that invited community. They respected the Word by going to synagogue. Then, they would go to a school attached to the synagogue to learn the Word. (Bet Midrash). Then, a disciple would go to a Rabbi and ask to follow that Rabbi. If the Rabbi said “no”, then the individual went back to the family business. When Jesus said, “Come, follow me” it is counter-cultural. He know they had what it takes, and He knew they couldn’t do it on their own. Jesus began pursuing us at the incarnation!

In verse 19, when Jesus says, “Follow me”, it is the Greek word DEUTE, which literally means, “Come here!”. The crowds just followed in the word akoloutheō, which is more of a casual follower. Trust is needed to DEUTE because it is more about following a person than a place.

When a truly follow, the place God calls you to takes your deep gladness and intersects it with the world’s deep hunger.


Questions to discuss as a family today

1. Who are you and what are you doing here?

2. Do you truly follow Jesus? (With family, finances, career, staff) What is the evidence of your following?

3. What is the difference between a disciple and a Christian?

Homework: Read Matthew 5:1-3 and be prepared to being studying the Sermon on the Mount.


Thank God for His plan to send Jesus to pursue you personally. Confess where you may be hesitant to follow God’s plan, and choose to give up control in order to go wherever He leads. Thank Him for His love and confess that He knows best.
