A.B.L.E. – Abide
Vision – Where we could be, should be, and MUST be
Mission – What we will do to get there
Strategy – How we will do it
This month, we are learning about a strategy for our church. We have always worked hard at making disciples, but we have gone about it in various ways across the ministries of our church over time. We have just developed a clear, simple, biblical focus to show HOW we are going to make disciples at Carmel across our different environments of Nearest, Neighbors, and Nations. Here it is:
We will ABIDE in Christ
to BUILD relationships
and LIVE the gospel
2 Timothy 2:2 says, “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” So, we are strengthened TO BE ABLE by the grace that is in Christ. It is NOT the Pastors job, but the job of the entire body of Christ. This is for all of us!
ABIDE – To remain, continue, stay, dwell.
John 15:1-5 is a classic passage about abiding in Christ. We must be connected to the life-giving source. If you remove a branch from the vine, it dies. We wee from this passage that when we abide; we bear fruit, more fruit, and much fruit.
1.You do nothing – It’s who you are in Christ. There is nothing you can do. The branch doesn’t do the work, the vine does. We are utterly dependent on Him. It is a posture, an identity, and a reality. It can’t be taken away. It’s not dependent on us. (Think about a baby in the womb – that is a picture of abiding.) Let this be freeing for you – you are already there!
2. Feast on His Word – To enjoy the Scripture as the gift of God that it is. Abiding through the Word gives us confidence to build and live with everything. Without abiding, we become religious robots.
1. Ask whatever you wish – our desires line up with His desires
2. The Father is glorified when you are fruitful.
3. Authentication of who you are in Christ.
4. So aware of the love of God in your life
5. Desire of obedience
6. There is joy
1. What excuse do you use to avoid making disciples?
2. Do you accept the fact that you are accepted by Christ into the Father’s family? How do you strive in your life to try to “be enough”? Why do you do that?