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ABLE – Build

Feb 11, 2018
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A.B.L.E. – Build
This morning we continued in our series, “Our We There Yet”. Pastor Alex is walking us through a strategy of making disciples. We will:
Abide in Christ
to Build relationships
and Live the gospel
with Everything.
Only when we abide in Christ will we be able to bear lasting fruit. Out of abiding in Christ, we are compelled to Build Relationships. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 says that the love of Christ compels us. We have walked from death to life through Jesus. We are a new creation, so we should be so excited to share that saving new life with others. WE have the ministry of reconciliation (v19). We are ambassadors for the gospel.
When building relationships, we need to build them with the lost and the found.
Be sure you have “found” friends. Fellowship is a critical part of encouragement and accountability. If you don’t do that, you are a target for the enemy. Find someone!
It has been identified that people who do not grow up in a Christian home come to Christ through a process over time. It takes a relationship…not an event. You must know a name in order to build that relationship. Unfortunately, within 2 years of someone coming to Christ, they have lost their non-Christian friends.
A TIP from the VCR:
Time – you must make time with lost people
Intentionality – You must choose to build these relationships
Purpose – Does the love of Christ compel you, or are you doing it out of guilt.
Value – everyone matters! We are all the Imago Dei
Credibility – Your message is true
Real Purpose – Why are you doing it? It isn’t another notch in your belt.
Without Christ, people are dying to an eternal hell separated from God. We are the ambassadors of Christ who can love them to a relationship with Him.
1. Does your new life in Christ compel you to build relationships with non-believers, or do you have guilt that you are “supposed” to build relationships?
2. Do you have true friendships with the Lost and the Found? Who?
3. Be sure to abide in Christ this week, and ask Him to give you opportunities to build relationships. He will do it if you are abiding in Him.