King Jesus and the Queen City
Today is Palm Sunday, also known as Lamb Selection Day. This is the day that Jesus fulfilled the prophesy of Zechariah and rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (Zech 9:9). As the people laid down their coats and waved palm branches as a political outcry, Jesus rode in preparing for the week to come. The people wanted a warrior king to help free them from Rome, but Jesus was preparing to wage war in the heavenlies. He was about to plunder Satan’s domain, and we, the Imago Dei, were to be the bounty!
This is the same Jesus that just a few weeks before, in Matthew 12:22-32, was continuing His ministry of healing and teaching. Jesus had just freed a demon-oppressed man, and the people were going nuts and actually beginning to ask, “Is this the Son of David?” This was significant because this was the Messianic title given by the Jews to the Messiah v.23). This angered the Pharisees so much that they basically called Jesus, “Satan”. Jesus responded with clear logic and said, “And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?” He went on to say, “A house divided will not stand.” (v.25) Jesus was speaking about the unity of the Trinity. Our source and call for unity as the body of Christ comes from the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
In verse 31, Jesus speaks of the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit. To blaspheme something means to profane or slander it. In Jesus’ day, the consequence for this action was stoning. To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to say that the power of God comes from Satan. There is no forgiveness of that sin because the one who blasphemes has not asked for forgiveness. The Spirit, who is Holy, has chosen to dwell in you if you profess faith in Christ. He will convict you of sin. You are His temple! In Christ, no one can snatch you from His hand (John 10).
To discuss as a family today
1. How is your house doing?
2. Is your heart hardening towards God? Where? How?
3. What will you say about the Truth of the gospel?
Father, thank you for your perfect plan of sending Jesus to save me from my sins. I am so grateful for your love, and I choose to live in unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Father, our house is divided by _______________________. I commit to fight for unity in my house with my prayers, my words, and my actions. Please help me be a unifying presence with those I am around. I want to keep a soft heart that is continually shaped by you. Holy Spirit, thank you for living in me. I want to live is a way that is pleasing to you. I am sorry when I grieve you, resist you, or sadden you. Please continue to convict me to know how to honor God with my life. I want to be a living testimony of your love.