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Do Whatever He Tells You: Week 5 – John 14: 15-17

Jul 2, 2023
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Do Whatever He Tells You: Week 5 John 14:15-17

The person of the Holy Spirit was not a new concept to the people of God. There are many examples throughout the Old Testament of times when the Holy Spirit would come upon someone for a specific purpose or moment (i.e. a prophet, a king, etc). However, in those days His presence was temporary… the Holy Spirit was present, and then would be removed. That’s why in Psalm 51:11 King David prayed that the Holy Spirit might not be taken away from him. Now, in the upper room, Jesus tells His disciples that the Father would send the Helper, the Holy Spirit, to literally dwell within them. In other words, He would no longer come and go, but would remain with followers of Jesus. Let that sink in for a second. A member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, takes up permanent residence in those who follow Jesus! And, as Helper, the Holy Spirit gives supernatural gifts to the followers of Jesus so they might:
1. Build up the body of Christ
2. Glorify God (1 Peter 4:10-11)
3. Find joy in the practicing of those gifts

As you consider these truths:
