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Forgiving Others

Aug 23, 2015
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King Jesus and the Queen City
In Matthew 18:21-35, Peter asks Jesus, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” The Rabbis taught that you should forgive 3 times. Peter doubled it and added one more. Jesus said, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.” In other words, don’t count. Just forgive. The parable Jesus goes on to teach is a perfect picture of God’s love for us. The King was owed an unthinkable amount of money from one of his servants, but forgave the debt in an act of grace. Unfortunately, the servant did not learn because he had the same opportunity to extend grace to another that owed a significantly smaller amount to him. He had him thrown in jail until the debt was repaid. This greatly angered the king and he had the servant thrown in jail as well.

1. Choose to give grace, not a grudge…
It is not easy, but it is a choice. A grudge is like a ball and chain that keeps you from reaching your potential in Christ. Remember, our actions towards others really matter.

“Don’t look like a pole…look like a cross” – Pastor Alex

2. Remember and Release…
Read Psalm 103 and remember where you came from. Live out Ephesians 4:32

3. Ponder and Pray…
Ponder where you’ve come from, and consider who’s hurt you. Compare them and then pray for that person.

ForGIVEness requires you to give something away. Give grace and give away the grudge. Begin with yourself! God has forgiven you, so you can surely forgive yourself. Let Him take that.

To discuss today
1. Why do you hold a grudge against somebody? What “good” does that grudge do for you? For the other person?

2. Remember John 3:16 and God’s radical forGIVEness for you. Where would you be today without Jesus?

3. Who do you need to forgive? Commit to pray for that person for the next 7 days. As a part of that prayer time, memorize Ephesians 4:32.

Father, THANK YOU for your forgiveness of me. Even in my worst behavior, you made a way for forgiveness and a right relationship. Thank you for your love and your never-ending forgiveness. Help me to live that way in my relationships with others. I ask you for forgiveness for ______________________. Help me to forgive ____________. I want to live in freedom from the bondage of resentment and unforgiveness. I commit to pray about this situation each day this week. Holy Spirit, continue to remind me of that commitment. I choose this week to reconcile this situation for the unity of the body.
