God Is…. Eternal
“What is God like?” This is the question at the heart of Christianity. It is about the specific person of God, and our understanding of Him affects everything in life. We have the responsibility and privilege to present God to the world.
Psalm 90 is the only Psalm written by Moses, and it clearly shows us our limitations. Life is fragile. We must see that in order to see how different we are from God. We are born, and then immediately begin to die. When we examine ourselves, we find that to be human is to be finite. This leads us to “cope” with our limitations in 3 different ways:
1. Ignore them
A. Hedonism – This is the mindset of “you only live once, so have as much fun as possible.” This only works for a short time, and then more is needed to numb the reality.
B. Stoicism – This is the mindset where we stare the limit in the face say, “that doesn’t hurt.” This is damaging for the Christian because it doesn’t allow them to really “feel”. We must be careful not to “power through” the pain.
2. Fight Back
This is a quest for permanence. We turn to other things to overwhelm our limits. We may try to “leave a legacy” so that we are not forgotten. The quest never works.
WE are the fatal flaw in all of this.
3. Embrace our Limitations
We should address God as someone who is not limited. Psalm 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”
God exists outside of time and space. We can find refuge in Him. God does not disappear…He is forever. He is permanent. We are dying creatures, but God is an everlasting God!
God is a person (actually 3 people). Science can’t explain Him. Moses shows us what God is lid by praying to Him. God is not to be comprehended, but apprehended. He is a person that we can be in relationship with.
You can’t do it. You are not enough…but He is! He gives us all we need. We won’t achieve permanence, but we will have enough. Jesus took on flesh, dwelt among us, and is now seated at the right hand of God. He made a way for us to be with Him!
To Discuss Today:
1. How do you live out your limitations? Is that a healthy view of you? of God?
2. What do you offer people around you? How can you grow in how you offer them God?