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How to Build Stronger Faith

Jul 5, 2015
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King Jesus and the Queen City
This morning Pastor Alex continued in our series as we looked at Matthew 15:21-28. Jesus traveled to the Gentile pagan cities of Tyre and Sidon, and while there, came in contact with a Canaanite woman. We see a side of Jesus here that might make us uncomfortable, but He has a plan. The Canaanites were non-Jewish pagans who were despised by the Jews. They were seen as “those” people. As the lady persistently cried out for Jesus to heal her daughter who had been possessed by a demon, she was turned away time and time again. Jesus ignored her, then told her that He was not here for her, and then he called her a dog. A dog was a term used by the Jews to describe the Gentiles. He uses a gentle term of dog as He addresses her, and then He tells her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” Then, her daughter was healed instantly.

6 Attributes that made the Canaanite woman’s faith great

  1. 1. It was urgent – She came shrieking to Jesus
  2.  It was informed – She knew who Jesus was.
  3. It was reverent – She kneeled before him and worshipped
  4. It was bold – She came to Him
  5. It was in humility – “I just want a crumb that falls off the Master’s table.”
  6. It was persistent – Everyone was against her, but she persevered.

What is faith?

  1. It is faith in Christ
  2. It demonstrates my trust in Christ’s promises.

To discuss as a family today

1. Put yourself in positions that require great faith. Do you have anything in your life that requires great faith?

2. Put the Scripture in you. How much time each week do you spend in God’s Word? Memorize Habakuk 3:1-2

3. Put the past in front of you. Write down the markers in your life over the last year, 5 years, and 10 years. See the provisions and blessing of God through the good times and the challenges. Let that view increase your faith!



Father, I praise you for your consistent, steadfast love. I want my faith in Jesus to grow and be a faith like the one of the Canaanite woman. I know I need to read my Bible more. I believe that will grow my worship and my prayer with you. Help me to set aside the right time to study Your Word. I want to trust the promises of Jesus for my life each day. Father, with that faith, I ask that you help me identify areas in my life that would require great faith. I want to be able to run to those places with urgency and trust You to glorify Yourself in them.
