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Improbable Joy – Philippians 3:12-16

Apr 8, 2024

A few weeks back, when we were in Philippians 3:1-11, we saw Paul warn his audience against those who sought to justify themselves by their own merits. Nothing in their lineage, their learning, or even their deeds could commend them to God. In fact, Paul said he considered everything done in his own merits as “loss” (i.e. rubbish, trash) compared to knowing Jesus as Lord.

In today’s passage Paul challenges us to follow his example (“One thing I do… v.13). The invitation is to press on into an ever-growing walk with the Savior, Jesus. Even Paul, who had walked with Christ for 30 years had not “arrived.” He humbly says, “not that I have already obtained this” (v.12). Paul’s invitation is to continue to progress.


Forgetting what Lies Behind…

Pressing Onward…

How would you characterize your spiritual life? Are you moving forward or backward? Remember, there is not really a neutral (spiritually speaking). As you consider your spiritual life, ask yourself the following:
