Who prays for you most often? There is a great encouragement to know that someone else is interceding to God on your behalf. As Christ’s beloved children, we have a great high priest who stands at the right hand of God the Father, pleading for us continually.
Today, we looked at Melchizedek, a king and priest whom we know little about. We are introduced to him in Genesis 14. In Hebrews 7, we gain more information. To the Jewish people, the priests were respected for their role of interceding to God for the people. But if our sin could have been solved by the priest, we would have no need for another. Melchizedek was greater than Aaron, Levi, and all the priests we read of in the Old Testament.
Jesus, however, is better than Melchizedek. Jesus is a better hope because He is an eternal priest. Jesus defeated the curse of sin in one moment, by His death and resurrection. Jesus offers us a perfect and complete priesthood.
Hebrews 7:25 provides a major promise by pointing to three key truths.
1. Jesus is able to save forever.
2. Because of Jesus, we are able to draw near to God.
3. Jesus always lives to intervene for us.
Why does this matter?
– We all have a sin problem that we cannot solve on our own.
– There is only one solution to our sin problem – the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection.
– There is nothing we can do to make God love us more. Likewise, there is nothing we can do to make God love us less.
– We can quench our fellowship with the Father, but can never separate ourselves from His love.
To Discuss Today:
Why is it impossible for an imperfect priest to make perfect atonement for imperfect people? Why is Jesus better?
How can the truth that Jesus is standing before the Father and praying for us continually shape the way that we live, love others, give, and serve?
Who do you pray for continually? Does your family have a list of people you pray for daily?