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Jun 6, 2014
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What are you Known For?

Today our guest preacher, Paul Cockrell, asked us, “What are you known for”? We studied Paul’s letter to the Colossians. Colossians 1:3-8 is a prayer of thanksgiving for the church and what they are known for. This is especially telling since Paul likely never went to this city.

He writes, “Here is what I have heard about you””

1. You are known by your increasing faith. This is not just a faith for their point of conversion, but continually acknowledging that truth. It is not just a “one-time” thing.

2. You are known for your sacrificial love. Their love was an active concern for those around them. A love that compelled them to think about others first. This love is their lifestyle. (John 13:34-35)

3. You are known for an enduring hope. They had a blessed assurance with a confidence that there is a better place beyond this life. Through pain and hardship they strive to have hope that He has a better place. There is an inheritance in heaven.

All of this was a result of the Gospel transforming them!

Questions to discuss as a family today

1.  What do you see when you look in the mirror? How does your faith shape your life?

2. What keeps you from having a sacrificial love for others?

3. What distracts you from looking forward to the hope of heaven?

Remember, the mirror never lies! Take time today to write the following on your bathroom mirror:

What am I known for?



Perseverance – Never give up!


Thank God for the gift of Jesus and His sacrificial love for us. Pray that you will be known as one who has a great faith. Confess where you are too busy to love others well, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you anywhere you need to make adjustments. Admit your weaknesses in having an enduring hope, and ask the Lord to encourage your heart this week.
