Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, which is always 7 weeks after Resurrection Sunday. Pentecost means “50”, and is the day that the church celebrates the giving of the Holy Spirit to the disciples in Acts 2. It is the celebration of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the church.
Jesus had charged the disciples to “go and make disciples…to the ends of the earth”. The disciples thought they had an impossible task as they knew that they were just mere men. Jesus told them to wait for the gift. They were obedient and waited; and because of that, history changed! On the day of Pentecost when the Spirit was poured out, 3000 were added to the faith that day!
Pentecost transformed an impossible task and made it possible by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit through the OBEDIENCE of His people.
The elders prayed last year and believe the Holy Spirit led us to “The Big 3” goals:
Gospel Generation: Each of us must be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We are a gospel generating generation. We see throughout Scripture that it takes just one generation to move very close to God or very far from Him.
Gospel Multiplication: We have been challenged to plant/replant 25 churches this decade. Mission Chapel is the first of those 25!
Gospel Proclamation: We have been challenged to give $1,000,000 towards Bible translation to get the Scripture in people’s heart language. In year one, $447,000 has been given! Oh, what will God do if His people are obedient?
1.Where is the Holy Spirit prompting you in relation to the Big 3 goals?
2. What is the Spirit leading you to do that is uncomfortable and only possible through Him?
3. Spend some time thanking God for what He did last year, and ask Him to use you in this next year.