Prodigal; The Elder Son
Jul 23, 2013
Key Verse: Luke 15:28 says, “But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him,”
Pastor Rob challenged us today with a message about the older son. We were reminded this morning that as Jesus taught this parable, the Pharisees and Scribes were listening to His teaching. Jesus intentionally leaves the older brother in his “lost” state, which would have caused the Pharisees to gasp. You see, the older brother, the Pharisees, and many of us all have the same problem. We are blind to our own sin of pride and self-righteousness.
Questions to discuss as a family today:
1. Where is your sin “blind spot”? In what ways do you think like the older brother?
2. Do you, deep down, seek God’s approval from your works? What is the problem with this? (Ephesians 2:8-9)
3. Where does God’s grace need to heal you? Our church?
Spend some time as a family praising and thanking God for His grace. Confess to him where you are self-righteous, judgemental, and not accepting of others. Ask the Lord to show you someone this week that you can extend grace to. Commit as a family to be grace-givers in your home. Finally, pray for Carmel to be a place that gives life-giving water to ANYONE in our circle of influence.