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Prodigal; The Younger Son

Jun 16, 2013
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Key Verse: John 14:23- Jesus answered, him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”
Pastor Clay began a 3 week series this morning on the parable of the prodigal son found in Luke 15:11-32. Within every human being, there is part of the younger son and the older son. This week we looked at the wayward younger son. We learned that culturally, by asking for his inheritance early, the younger son was extremely disrespectful to his father. He was actually telling his father that he wanted him to die. He (we at times) believe the distant land is better, which is a denial of our Father’s love.
Questions to discuss as a family today:
1. What voice(s) are you listening to? (The Fathers, the worlds, your own)
2. What is your “if only” lie? (status, lose weight, money, friends, etc..)
3. Where is home? (John 14:23) Will you return home or pursue the distant promises?
Praise God for being your Father and for continuing to call out to you. Commit today to listen to His voice and to tune out the other voices that will try to distract you. Confess your “if only” lie and allow His Spirit to restore your heart and mind. Commit to choose to listen to your Father’s voice that tells you that your are a prince or princess because you are a child of the King. Praise Him for His extravagant love!