The Cultivate Challenge
In our culture, we are convinced that convenience and comfort is king. We strive to do what is easy, fun, and temporal. But, life is not all about you. Your life should be all about Him, and you play an important role in His story. You are the Imago Dei, and your life is so important to God’s story.
Psalm 78:1-8 speaks to why and how we are to be a part of God’s story. In v1-2, the words “hear” mean to stretch out your ears and listen in a way that transforms. The passage goes on to say that if we choose not to tell the coming generation, then we are hiding the Truth of the gospel from them.
The hope of the world is at stake! Gratitude for those that have gone before you should be your encouragement to continue on. Deut 6:4-6 shows us that we should:
There will be a time where your life will come to an end and you will not be able to pass your faith on anymore. Be faithful to speak into a generation that will step into a time that you will not see…
To discuss today
1. What did you write on your “leaf of gratitude”? What was your relationship like with that person? How did you come to be in that place that led to your salvation?
2. Is there anyone that would write your name on their leaf? Who and why?
3. How well are you doing at passing your faith to the next generation? What is something that you would like to do? Here is a link to the New City Catechism resource.
4. Discuss as a family your journey in the Cultivate Challenge. What is the Holy Spirit calling you to sacrifice in order to equip the next generation?
Father, thank you for those that have gone before me. I praise you for their faithfulness to tell the next generation of your glorious deeds, your might, and the wonders you have done. I am grateful for my life and for the opportunity to share it with those around me. Help me be faithful to pass my faith to the next generation so that they will set their hope in You, not forget your works, and keep your commandments. Show me what you would like me to do for your Kingdom in this season of my life. I want to be found faithful!