DETOUR: The 5 Solas – Sola Scriptura
Today begins a 5-week detour from Root 66 so that we can understand, celebrate, and be challenged by the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation – the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church in Germany. The Reformers were not teaching new things, but reconnecting with the Truth. Nailing a thesis to the door was a common practice of the day, and it was seen as an invitation to have debate and conversation around the topic at hand. Luther was a “rough, crude” man, but God delights in using broken men to bring about His purposes. We are going to focus on the 5 Solas that come out of the 95 theses, and they are: Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus, and Soli Deo Gloria. In other words…
Through the Scriptures alone, we see that we are saved by Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ alone to His Glory alone.
Today Pastor Alex gave an overview and focused on Sola Scriptura. The Scriptures alone are the Word of God and therefore the only infallible rule for life and doctrine.
1302 – Pope Boniface issued a Bull (a decree) called the Unam Sanctum which stated that
the Pope had authority over every human being.
1370 – John Wycliffe was born. He was called the Morningstar of the Reformation. He
believed all people should have the Bible in their own language. He challenged
church doctrine.
1377 – Pope Gregory XI issued 5 Bulls denouncing Wycliffe and put him under house
1382 – Wycliffe’s followers, called Lollards (mumblers) translate the Bible from Latin to
English. This is called the Wycliffe Bible
1408 – An English decree made it illegal to translate or read the Bible in English without
the Bishop’s permission.
1413 – Jan Hus supported Wycliffe
1415 – At the Council of Constance in Germany, Wycliffe was condemned on 267 counts
of heresy. He refused to recant and was burned at the stake.
1428 – Marin V digs up Wycliffe’s remains, burns them, and scatters them in the River
1456 – Guttenberg press prints the Latin Vulgate, which is the 1st book printed in Europe.
1483 – Martin Luther was born in Germany.
1502 – A Bull orders the burning of all books that question the authority of the church.
1505 – John Knox was born in Scotland.
1509 – John Calvin was born in France.
1517 – Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses that challenged:
Penance – the idea of faith + works. He was speaking against trying to earn God’s favor and merit. Worship was being driven by necessity and to from adoration.
Purgatory – the doctrine of an in-between state of earth and heaven. It was a place to suffer, and the thought was that you could only escape purgatory if someone (a relative) paid for your sins with their money. Luther pushed back.
Papal Authority – The thought of the day was that the Pope was equal to the Scriptures.
Luther was called a virus and was given 60 days to recant. Instead, Luther burns the Bull. He was subsequently invited to a party in Worms and told by the Emperor to recant. Instead, Luther stated, “Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason – I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other – my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.” “Here I stand.” He was then considered an outlaw.
What is Sola Scriptura?
1. Scripture is our final authority – We can see today that the Scripture is slowly falling from authority. Today it is rejected and despised. It brings anger when it is mentioned in the culture.
2. It is efficient authority – It is enough. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that the man of God will be prepared for every good work.” It is God’s fingerprint.
3. It is our inerrant authority – It is without errors. It is fault-free. It has been under attack from the beginning, and it continues to stand the test of time and history.
1. How much do you read the Word? Do you meditate on it?
2. How do you allow the Word to transform you?
3. Memorize 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Remember, the Word is a gift. Eat it, drink it, and let it shape your life!