ROOT 66: Matthew
This month we will be taking a drive through the four gospels, each sharing a different perspective of the same amazing event that changed history forever. The theme of Matthew is “King Jesus”. Matthew was a Jewish man, writing to a Jewish audience, about a Jewish rabbi. Matthew said, “This is the One we longed for” and quoted over 50 Old Testament Scriptures to convince his people that Jesus was who He said He was.
Every kingdom has a king that has citizens who live by the rule of the law.
The Kingdom of Heaven is led by King Jesus
who has disciples that live by the Scriptures.
The “Kingdom of Heaven” is written 55 times in the book of Matthew:
1st Time: John the Baptist begins to preach, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is
at hand.” Matthew 3:2
2nd Time: Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness. Matthew 4:8
3rd Time: When Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Matthew 4:17
4th Time: Jesus ministers throughout all Galilee. Matthew 4:23
Matthew 6:10 – Pray for the Kingdom
Matthew 6:33 – Seek first His Kingdom
Jesus intentionally fulfills Zechariah’s prophecy in Matthew 21:5 when we see Him riding a donkey. The Jewish people thought He was going to begin an earthly reign as King, but Jesus, the Lamb, was preparing to become an eternal sacrifice that would allow His dominion to reign forever. We now have a King, and all nations of the earth are subjects to Him. We live here, but we are passing through to another eternal Kingdom. Jesus is not just a symbol or figurehead.
The Scriptures use the word disciple 268 times. This term speaks of movement towards something or someone. Jesus said, “Follow me”. Colossians 1:9-14 speaks of our calling as followers of Jesus. It is our declaration of citizenship for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 22:37 speaks of the Greatest Commandment – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This informs the Great Commission which is found in Matthew 28:19-20.
1. Knowing that we are called to “love God and love people”, how do we need to respond to our cultural mistreatment of women/children/racial issues in our community? How do you bring light to the darkness?
2. Follow an advent calendar each
morning this month. We have provided one
here. This is a guide to remember the story of Jesus’ birth, and to “love Him back” by showing love to others. Do not feel obligated to act on every challenge listed, but pick a few to do together as a family!