Root 66 – Proverbs
Wisdom and foolishness have nothing to do with what you SEE on the outside. Wisdom is not being the smartest person in the room; it is being the most obedient one. Knowledge is worthless if it is not lived.
Proverbs breakdown:
1-9 Invitation of wisdom
10-29 Wisdom Examples
30 Saying of Agur
31 Sayings of Lemuel and the Noble Wife
Chapter 1:1-7
Wisdom is the art of skillful living. It is all about the transformation.
verse 2 know: Yada – the word that is used of intimacy between a man and woman
Instruction means “chastisement” and “discipline”. It is learning through correction. Mistakes are fine if you learn from them.
verse 7 – What is the “fear of the LORD”?
As notes are to music, so is the fear of God to wisdom. We will always walk in our own wisdom without the fear of God…which is foolishness. When we fear God, we know He makes the rules, and we should follow Him as the author, prescriber, and describer of life.
The cross is the horror and dread and wrath of God towards sin, but also the invitation to enter into relationship of grace and mercy. Wrath and love are companions. Be aware…part of the problem in the church today is that we are too familiar with a Holy God.
When we fear God:
Psalm 97:10; 34:11 and 14; 128:1
Proverbs 8:13; 25:14; 16:6; 23:17; 19:23; 1:29-31; 14:26-27
Job 28:28
Fearing God is a CHOICE! When we fear, it gives way to faith. The fear is understanding the consequence of sin. Sin is enjoyable for a season, but the consequences are eternal and the required the death of the Son of God.
1. Where is God calling you to practice living? What is the fear that is holding you back? Why haven’t you done it?
2. Are you a fool (ignores wisdom), a wise person (embraces wisdom), or a simple person (someone who believes everything and nothing)? Why do you give this answer.
3. Consider reading a Proverb a day (along with a Psalm a day) for this next month.