The Cultivate Challenge
We know that roots give a tree both nourishment and stability. In Isaiah 11, the prophet says, “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit…” That shoot, from that stump, would be Jesus!
The rooted analogy is found 2 times in Scripture:
To discuss today
1. Are you being nourished and grounded the way you want to be? Why?
2. How can you utilize the Word to help navigate the very confusing and misleading thoughts of our culture today? How do you love others with this Truth?
3. What steps will you take this week to spend more time in the Word? How will that impact how you interact with those around you? How do you think that will impact your Cultivate Commitment?
Father, thank you for the Word. Jesus, I confess that you are the Word made flesh. Too often, I let the voices of _____________________ get in the way of your Word. I want to eat meat and potatoes, not a sugar substitute. I want to be filled up with your Truth so that I can make a difference in my sphere of influence. Forgive me for when I get puffed up and feel like I know more than others. Help me be like You.