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The Art of Neighboring: Taking the Great Commandment Literally

Oct 6, 2019
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The Art of Neighboring: Taking the Great Commandment Literally 
Imagine what our city would look like if people really loved each other well. Today, 100 churches representing 60,000 people began talking about that as we began our unified sermon series. Pastor Alex began by looking at Acts 17:22-28 to point out the theology of place. You don’t live where you live by accident. You are an answer to prayer for someone around you. He placed you in your neighborhood for a purpose.
We must remember to see everyone as the Imago Dei. Everyone deserves love, dignity and value because everyone is a picture of God. As we “do life” with those around us, we can be looking for opportunities to build relationships. Remember, inconveniences are fantastic ministry experiences.
Luke 10:25-27 is a well-known passage of a lawyer questioning Jesus by asking “What must I do to inherit eternal life”? The lawyer goes on to quote Deut 6 and Lev 17 by responding with “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” The lawyer goes on to ask, “And who is my neighbor”?
Pastor Alex challenged us to “stop defining and start delighting”. We don’t delight in their abilities, but we delight in their personhood. Our neighbor is our “near-bor”…anyone you are looking at. BUT…we can’t love others until we get filled with God’s love first.
To Discuss Today:
1. Are you loving your neighbors the way you should be loving them?
2. Are you still enough…long enough…for the Father to fill you with His love so you can love others well?
3. When has an inconvenience led to an opportunity to get to know someone better?
4. Fill out your “Neighbor card” and put it on your kitchen table. Use it to pray!
5. Plan a time with your family to prayer walk your neighborhood. Use the guide offered today to help.