While some Christmas carols have a rich history, The First Noel has a very humble beginning. It was a folksong written by the peasant class in England right after the Reformation. The word “NOEL” has several meanings, but they all are equivalent to saying, “Happy Birthday”.
Verse 6 of the song is full of rich theology:
Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
That hath made heaven and earth of naught
But with mankind His blood hath bought
The cradle is the sacred bridge from the Creator to the Savior. The cradle beckons the cross that beckons the resurrection that beckons the second coming. Jesus “showing up” in the cradle wasn’t enough by itself. It launched Him into the mission of “setting His face toward Jerusalem”. Remember, Hebrews 9:22 says, “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin.” In the Old Testament, blood was important 1. due to the prohibition of murder 2. due to dietary restrictions, and 3. worship.
We have hope, security, and freedom due to the blood of Christ. Let this give you hope:
I am a new covenant – I Cor 11:25
I have been justified – Romans 5:9
I have redemption – Ephesians 1:7
I have been brought near – Ephesians 2:13
I am at peace – Colossians 1:20
I am sanctified – Hebrews 13:12
The blood of Christ is precious – I Peter 1:19
The blood of Christ has cleansed me – I John 1:7
I am freed from sin – Revelation 1:5
I have been ransomed by God – Revelation 1:9
To Discuss Today:
Reflect on Revelation 19:11-13 as you as you continue to reflect on the coming of Jesus. He had to come in order to save the world. Look closely for His garments, and discuss the significance of what He is described as wearing in this majestic passage. Enjoy!
Carols in Your Neighborhood
Did you get your 2016 Christmas Guide? This resource will encourage you to continue reaching out to your neighbors by singing Christmas carols on your street. We want you to invite 1-2 families to join you in singing songs about Christ and inviting neighbors to join you for a moment of connection, maybe involving hot chocolate at your home.