We began a new “not so normal” season as we launched into the study of Acts. Almost 2000 years ago, Jesus gave a specific and powerful promise to His disciples, “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…” With the Ascension of Jesus to the right hand of the Father and the coming of His Spirit, the Church was born. The Church was a supernatural movement then and it still is today.
But we need to stop and consider, “What is the Church?” It is more than the cultural Christianity that eroded with the pandemic. The Church in America can now embrace a new season of walking in the power of the Spirit through true biblical community. The Church can again be a compelling movement, because church was never to be a place to go or an activity on our calendar for an hour or two of the week. The Church is the result of the Holy Spirit’s work in and through His people. The Church lives and thrives in His power.
The book of Acts records the movement of the Holy Spirit in three circles outlined in Acts 1:8: Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the ends of the Earth. The Spirit moved in a supernatural way through the witness of Christ’s followers. As the Gospel multiplied and many were saved, the witness of Christians became a influential force. Their witness was not due to superior intellect, clever strategy, or comprehensive training. Their witness was powerful because they told their story of God’s power at work in and through their lives. They testified that the Holy Spirit had indwelled each of them. The Holy Spirit still dwells in every believer today and unites us together as His Church in this supernatural movement.
During this pandemic many people are asking the question, “Is there more to life than what I have experienced?” Also, some churchgoers have asked the question, “Is there more to ‘church” than this?” The answer to these two questions is a resounding “YES!” if we embrace the supernatural movement of the Holy Spirit. For the lost, there is a witness that we boldly proclaim, “Jesus is Risen! He is Lord!” For the churchgoers who have disconnected from the fellowship, there is a witness that we proclaim, “There is power in the Spirit of God!”
Today, let’s pray continually and intensely that the Holy Spirit would move mightily in the biblical community called Carmel Baptist. Let’s remember in each moment that the Holy Spirit lives within us and we are invited and commanded to walk in Him. Like the first disciples, let’s rejoice that His Church is still the hope of the world.
1. Write out your witness story. (What has God done in your life? How and from what did Christ save you? How has God revealed Himself to you? What powerful things have you seen the Holy Spirit do?)
2. Download the Bible Memory App. Find it in your app store or at
To Discuss Today:
1. When was the last time you saw God do something through you that was beyond what you had the power or ability to do on your own?
2. How does the fact that the Holy Spirit lives within each of us change the way that we think, act, and live?
3. How would you explain to someone that the Church is a supernatural movement rather than an institution or organization (a place to go or activity to do)?
4. [To ponder for next week] Are we all pentecostals?