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Who We Are & What We’re For: One in Christ (Ephesians 2:11-12)

Sep 19, 2021
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One in Christ (Ephesians 2:11-22)

We hear people in our world talk about the words “unity” and “peace.” Yet, true and lasting reconciliation can only occur by the work of Christ Jesus. In Ephesians, Paul is writing a letter to a deeply divided people. Centuries of hatred and division between Jews and Gentiles were impossible to erase. Yet, in the power of the Spirit through the sacrifice of Jesus, unity in the Church is not only possible; it is expected by God.
Unity in the Church begins with remembering. We remember the grace of God by which we have been saved from eternal punishment and forgiven of every sin. Where there is a lack of unity, there is also a lack of humility. We are prone to forget. However, we are commanded to remember and daily dwell on the grace of God and His kindness toward others. What He has poured into our hearts spills out into every relationship we have with others.
How does God define reconciliation and peace? The definition is more than a mere “cease-fire” or a resolve of tension. God is inviting us into the forming of a new relationship. Through the cross, peace is given a new definition. His reconciliation is a war that has already been won. Reconciliation is a uniting of us to Himself. When we are reconciled to Christ, He brings us into unity with each other. Our diversity no longer creates a divide. Instead, our diversity points to the power of Christ to bring His uniquely created people together as one.
In our walk with God, He changes us from self-centered and unforgiving to peace-makers who long to see others walk with Him. We are a reconciling people because we are a reconciled people. We do not find unity by pursuing unity. We find unity in pursuing Christ. People long for something to unite around. The Church invites people to be united to someone greater than an ideology, personal differences, sports teams, or interests. That someone is our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
For our hearts to be one takes the work of the Spirit. We can come up with millions of reasons to divide. But God not only desires unity, He designs unity. We are not like a family, we are a family. Long after every ideology wanes, every nation in this world declines, and personal differences passes, the bride of Christ will remain forever.
Discussion Questions:
  • What divisions does the watching non-Christian world see when they look at the Church today?
  • Based on Ephesians 2, what definition would you provide to a friend that was struggling with the concepts of peace and reconciliation?
  • What dividing issues are worth taking into eternity?